Molly Drug

Am I Addicted To Molly?

Similar to other kinds of addiction, when you’re dependent on Molly, you cannot determine that you’re already hooked on it. You tend to justify your actions and see that there’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing.

Considering this, it’s always best that self-awareness is your first step towards recovery. You can gain self-awareness by either consulting a doctor or an addiction specialist regarding your condition.

Anyhow, let’s discover some important things about Molly addiction and how you can overcome it.

Is It Illegal To Use or Sell Molly?

Molly is also known as Ecstasy or MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine), yet it’s not 100% MDMA since it has other toxic additives.

Based on the DEA’s drug classification, this illicit substance is under Schedule I controlled substance. This means it has a high potential for abuse and addiction, which is also the reason why it’s illegal to possess, use, or sell one in society.

What are the Signs of Using Molly?

This illegal drug is a known hallucinogen and stimulant, so it can greatly alter your brain chemicals. The three main brain hormones altered when you take this drug are serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

Generally, if your brain is supersaturated with these three brain chemicals, it can cause irreparable tissue damage. Conversely, here are the common symptoms when you’ve used this illicit substance:

  • MollyBeing highly energetic
  • You tend to talk more than the usual
  • You become more emotional and empathetic
  • Your sensitivity to sound and light is heightened
  • Experiencing a feeling of highness

How Long Do Molly’s Effects Start and Lasts?

MDMA is typically in capsule or tablet form, and you take that orally. After you’ve orally ingested it, its effects start to kick in after 30 to 45 minutes. Your energy level, empathy, and talkativeness increase, and these effects usually last for three to six hours.

Conversely, if you stop taking it for a day, traces of its compounds will completely be flushed out from your system in two days.

How Can You Tell If You’re Addicted to Molly?

Ecstasy or MDMA is a Schedule I controlled substance, so there’s a high risk for you to develop tolerance and later addiction. Once you start using this substance, you’ll feel some changes in your behavior and personality.

Furthermore, here are some telltales for you to know if you’re already addicted to Molly:

  • You have uncontrollable cravings for the drug
  • You tend to undermine your commitments and work
  • You feel you can’t perform well if you don’t take Molly
  • There’s a drastic change in your mood and behavior when you can’t take this illicit drug

Conversely, your best method of having an accurate diagnosis of Molly addiction is when you consult with a doctor or addiction specialist.

What are the Risks of Abusing Molly?

This illicit substance is never made from pure MDMA since it’s mixed with other harmful substances such as marijuana and cathinone stimulants (also known as “bath salts”). Consequently, it greatly damages your brain and body.

When you continue abusing this substance, you’re at risk of experiencing these negative effects:

  • MollyPanic attacks
  • Seizures
  • Kidney failure
  • Dehydration
  • Heart problems
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Hallucination and confusion

As the effects of Molly wears off, you’re going to feel the following side effects:

  • Short-term memory loss
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Intense sadness and weariness
  • Insatiable cravings
  • Highly irritable

The Risk of Mixing Molly with Other Substances

It’s also called the “party drug” since college students and adults use this illicit substance when they’re inside a nightclub or attending a dance party or “raves”.

Besides its detrimental side effects, abusing Ecstasy becomes more dangerous when you’re using it with other substances like alcohol, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, and LSD.

Mixing MDMA with these other illicit substances will elevate its health consequences, which include the following:

  • MollyHigh blood pressure
  • Hallucination
  • Confusion
  • Loss of focus and enthusiast with work and daily routines
  • Seizures
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Uncontrolled sweating
  • Hyperthermia
  • Dehydration
  • Nausea

How Serious is Molly Addiction in the US?

Along with other illicit substances, Ecstasy addiction is also pretty rampant in the US. The highest percentage of abusers are within the age bracket of 18 to 25 years (10.5%) and then followed by individuals ages 26 years and older (7.5%).

If we look into their academic level, it’s typically the 12th graders who abuse MDMA, and then followed by Grade 10 students.

Additionally, here are some important statistics showing how serious is Molly addiction in the US:

  • In 2014, around 17 million Americans ages 12 years and older admitted they’ve used MDMA once in their lifetime
  • From 450,000 Ecstasy abusers, the population went up to 660,000 in just one month
  • There’s an increase of 11 million Americans abusing Ecstasy compared to its previous record ten years ago
  • In 2015, around 3,510 patients who were hospitalized due to substance abuse were reported to have used MDMA

How Do You Overcome Molly Addiction?

Treating your Molly addiction is not a straightforward process, and it usually starts from realizing one’s weakness for this substance. After that, you can consult with a doctor or addiction specialist since they have the knowledge and license to give you a personalized recovery program.

Generally, your recovery program from Molly dependence involves several steps, which include the following:

  • Molly AddictionDoctor consultation
  • Enrollment to a rehab treatment facility
  • If your addiction is severe, then they’re going to recommend that you undergo an inpatient rehab treatment program. This is ideal since you’ll have 24/7 medical assistance in case your withdrawal symptoms are greatly painful.
  • You will undergo supervised medication, detoxification, and therapies.
  • You will adapt the 12-step program to develop a healthier routine and mental perspective for sobriety.
  • Once you complete your inpatient treatment plan, you’ll be advised to have an ongoing outpatient recovery program to avoid any relapse, while supporting long-term sobriety from Molly addiction.

These are just some of the common things included in any treatment plan that’ll help you recover from substance use disorder.

To ensure the effectiveness of your treatment, always follow your doctor’s advice and religiously attend to your therapies and counseling. Get your normal life back and start your treatment as early as today.